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It's a momentous week here at Raging Swan Press; this week, sees the first Village Backdrop released in Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2, 5e and System Neutral editions. You've got a lot of downloading to do!

Hopespyre was always an intriguing village and I leap at the chance to update it to our new expanded format when Jacob said he had a hole in his schedule. I hope you agree and that you can find a place for Hopespyre in your own campaign. It could be one of those villages, your players never forget visiting!


About Hopespyre

Their beliefs considered heretical by the Church of the God of the Sun and their presence viewed as a threat to the cruel ruler of their homeland, the Church of the Redemptive Flame fled and founded a new home in remote Hopespyre. The cult now wants nothing more than to live a sin-free life in their new refuge but events conspire against them. The evil elemental lord of fire has set his sights on the cult and schemes to subvert its good intentions. Aging church leader Dagor Thursh edges closer to death with each day, and a struggle is growing for the right to succeed him, its flames fanned by followers of the elemental lord who have infiltrated the village.

By Jacob W. Michaels


Welcome to all our new members--Andy Vandiver, Brandy Sevener, Jeremy Coffey, Michael McLaughlin, Nathan, Eugene Helm, Michael Buonagurio and Trimbor Slade--who have joined us this week. If you have any questions about the campaign, just shoot me an email or message here and I'll get right back to you. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

I've also uploaded Hopespyre's maps here for your convenience. 

Thank You

As always, thank you very much for your continued support. It means the world to me and I hope you enjoy and find our supplements and books as fun and useful as I do. I'm always looking for suggestions about how to make our books better and more useful; if you've got any ideas, please leave a message below. 

Have a great weekend! 


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