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This week, Raging Swan Press has got a free Monstrous Lair instalment for you. This week, we delve into a fire giants' hall. 

Next month, we've got instalments dealing with hill giants and frost giants (just in case you were planning to run a certain series of rather famous modules in the future). (I'm confident, we'll get around to drow and other subterranean races before the line ends in December.) 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 


Welcome to our two new members, Sol Sukut and Breanne Whitney, who have joined us this week. I hope you both get loads of great use out of our books!

Thank You & a Milestone Note

Thank you for your support, as always. It's epic and I much appreciate it. As we speak, we are excitingly close to our next milestone, and I can't wait to start paying our freelancers 13 cents a word. That's practically an industry high score and I'm chuffed (English for proud)  we've managed to get this far!

After we hit the next milestone, I don't have any more planned (beyond a vague one involving a monthly bottle of whisky or bourbon to help get my creative juices going). I'm therefore open to suggestions for our next milestones. What would you like our next goal to be? More pages per product? More art? Leave a comment below, and let me know.

As always, have a great weekend and good luck with your games!



Fantastic! Congratulations I'm So Happy with my RSP Patriotism! ♡


I just subbed at the $5 limit. I had to make it once a month though as I am not loaded sorry. I greatly look forward to seeing what comes out :)


How does getting the files actually wotk though as with other folks I sponsor there is like a files page. I am not being intentially dense, I am autistic and obvious things are much less obvious to me.


Every Friday, when we release a new product I send out a message via Patreon. In that message is a download code for the book at DriveThruRPG. Drop the link into your browser adds a free copy of the book to your basket. Check out in the normal way and the book is added to your DriveThru account.


very helpful yes