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Back in the shadow-cloaked depths of Raging Swan Press’s early years we released the Dungeon Dressing line which was eventually compiled into GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing—a massive 300+ page book. It’s been one of our most successful books and rather marvellously won Endzeitgeist’s 2014 Book of the Year

I’ve wanted to return to the subject of Dungeon Dressing for over a year. Dungeon dressing is near and dear to my heart and I really, really want to update the line to 5e. (Not least because how could the books not be useful for my Gloamhold campaign!) However, the announced (now imminent) release of Pathfinder Second Edition somewhat derailed my plans. After all, what was the point releasing a 5e version when I might want to release a Pathfinder Second Edition version the following year?

Thus, I lurked and bided my time. 

But now that waiting and lurking is almost over.

This month, we relaunch the Dungeon Dressing line in Pathfinder, OSR, 5e and—next month—Pathfinder Second Edition flavours! This has been a long time coming and I can’t wait to get these books into your hands. 

Dungeon Dressing will be a monthly instalment line and kicks off this month with Dungeon Dressing: Names & Legends (because it is System Neutral and I could start without having to release a Pathfinder 2 version which we cannot do until next month). After our initial release, the release schedule looks like this:

  • August 19: Dungeon Dressing: Altars
  • September 23: Dungeon Dressing: Wells
  • October 21: Dungeon Dressing: Pits

All future instalments will be available in Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2, OSR and 5e editions. 

I couldn’t be more excited to get back to Dungeon Dressing, and I hope you are looking forward to seeing what “delights” we have in store for your characters. 

Changes to the Release Schedule

I can’t wait to get back into Dungeon Dressing, but it throws up a problem with our release schedule. Essentially, I don’t have enough space in the schedule to release everything I want to release. At the moment, we have three paid for releases a month and I’m not sure adding another would be a great idea (but of course I’d be happy for you to change my mind!) 

So we have several options:

  • Retire the 20 Things lines and insert Dungeon Dressing in its place as our free release of the month. Everyone would get all four monthly editions of the line free in the same way you now get the 20 Things release.
  • Have Dungeon Dressing be a regular line and have it be one of our three paid for product every month.
  • Add a fourth paid for product to the monthly schedule. (Don’t forget you can always cap your support at three releases a month). 

I haven’t yet worked out the (boring) logistics of adding a fourth ongoing line to the roster, but please vote and let me know what you think the best plan is! I’d love to know what you think. 

I'll report back next week, with the poll’s results. 

Pathfinder Second Edition

We’ll have more announcements about Raging Swan Press’s Pathfinder Second Edition products and support next week.



Dungeon dressing is one of my favorite publications from Swan. Drop/change anything to make it happen. ;) The only thing I would be more excited about would be some "City dressing". :P


Message received Vivec! Perhaps I'll focus the 20 Things more on Urban locales if the line survives the poll!

Jason Kramer

Great to see the 2e support! Even if I find all of the products useful regardless of system.


Having Dungeon Dressing replace 20 Things would be just fine in my book. Thanks for your hard work, Creighton, and happy to hear about PF2 support. I'm cautiously optimistic about that successor to PF. Agree with Vivec as well - urban or city dressing/locations would be even more useful!


What I'd REALLY like to see is another or multiple full-length modules, though I understand that may not fit with your business model at this point. :)


Please don't stop 20 Things before releasing the Green Dragon lair. I'm hoping for that in the next couple months, although my adventurers may not be happy about it :^)


I’m working on two as we speak. One is in play testing at the moment. Working title is Sinister Secrets of Coldwater. (It’s for 1st-3rd level characters).


I like the 20 things a lot! I make good use of them. 😁


I iike 20 things as well. If they were ditched we would lose non-du hep.


Oops.... Would we lose non dungeon content like wilderness and city and stuff?


That’s a great point, Christopher, and a very sub-optimal situation. On the plus side at the moment it doesn’t look like the 20 Things line is going anywhere. It’s very much in third place in the poll!


I say add a fourth let the people decide if they want to buy it all or leave out what they don't want. Voting with money seems to be the new normal. As always hope everyone at RSP has a terrific day and looking forward to a Dungeons worth of Inspiring Verisimilitude!

Am Queue

Admittedly, I'm only at the $2 tier. But an extra $2 a month is certainly doable for me. Add it on!


Big fan of the 20 Things, so if at all possible, I'd love to see that continue. I may be skewing the vote, though, since I already have my glorious hard copy of Dungeon Dressing that I use frequently!!