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This week, Mike Welham is back, and he's revisited an old favourite of ours. Several years ago, Mike revealed the thriving, but cursed, village of Edgewood, but until now the village was only available in a Pathfinder edition. Now, Mike has added a ton of extra detail, and we've also taken the opportunity to update the village to include both 5e and System Neutral editions. I hope you enjoy the result!

About Edgewood

The thriving village of Edgewood stands in the very shadow of the Shadetimer Forest. For a century, it has prospered. Wars, droughts and pestilence striking other nearby settlements never seem to affect the village, and yet tragedy mars life in Edgewood. For every year, terror stalks the village and its inhabitants die seemingly random, but horrible and gruesome, deaths. Thus, despite its prosperity, Edgewood remains a small place, and few travellers remain there for long.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

I've also posted up the village's maps here in a handy zip file for your convenience. 

Don't Forget to Vote!

Just to remind you, I posted up a poll earlier this week about the subject of the successor product line to Monstrous Lair, which will come to a close at the end of the year. If you haven't voted, please do so! 

Upcoming Announcement

Next week, I'll be announcing our plans for August through to the end of the year. No doubt, if you are a Pathfinder player you'll be interested to learn more about our Pathfinder Second Edition plans and how they affect our Pathfinder 1 support. I don't want to make this post too long, but sufficed to say our support of the new edition will not affect our support of the old edition. 

Thank You!

As always I feel compelled to thank you for your epic support. With the imminent release of Pathfinder 2 it's been a tricky year as we wait to see what Paizo will be unleashing into the gaming world and your support has enabled us to keep doing what we love doing--producing flavoursome, detail-rich supplements for the busy GM. Thank you!

I'd also like to welcome everyone who has joined us this week: Solomon Foster, David Devine, Peter McCarthy, Gregory Simkins, Mark Kilfoil and Evan Tanner. 

I'm delighted you are a part of our Patreon campaign and I hope you are getting epic amounts of use out of your books and supplements. 

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your game!


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