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As you might suspect, I'm a big fan of dragons (as a GM, obviously, not as a player). My players haven't fought a black dragon recently, but I'm getting ready for some later events in my Adventures in Shadow campaign with 20 Things #39: Black Dragon's Lair. I hope you find the book similarly useful and that it helps you prep quicker and better for your game.

I've previously released a preview for 20 Things #39: Black Dragon's Lair over at the Raging Swan Press store as a 4d4 article. Here's a direct link if you fancy checking it out.

As with all the monthly 20 Things instalments, this is a free book to you as a thank you for your awesome support. You enable us to keep making high-quality GM aids and I hope you find they enhance your campaign. I also hope they save you some time--time you can better spend (perhaps plotting against the characters...)

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for this book. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Welcome, New Members!

We've had some new members join up recently and I'd like to welcome Matt Jackman, Marie Bayer, Nick Cintron, Vivec's Prophecy and Beth Damis to our merry band! 

Next Week

Next week, we are back with Village Backdrop: Edgewood 2.0 updated and expanded by Mike Welham. Previously Edgewood was only available for Pathfinder, and it comprised the shorter format we used before your heroic support added extra pages of material. Mike's updated the village, and we've created new 5e and System Neutral editions, and I hope you enjoy his efforts.

About Edgewood

The thriving village of Edgewood stands in the very shadow of the Shadetimer Forest. For a century, it has prospered. Wars, droughts and pestilence striking other nearby settlements never seem to affect the village, and yet tragedy mars life in Edgewood. For every year, terror stalks the village and its inhabitants die seemingly random, but horrible and gruesome, deaths. Thus, despite its prosperity, Edgewood remains a small place, and few travellers remain there for long.

Have a great weekend. See you next week!


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