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I've been looking forward to sharing Five Nights at the Scythe with you for some weeks now. I wrote the eventure for my own Adventures in Shadow campaign because several of the characters had added the Scythe into their backgrounds. (This was also an excellent excuse to get a map done by the awesome Tommi Salama!)

We've also got Monstrous Lair #33: Dryad's Glade for you this week. Strangely, I seem to have featured dryads in my campaign recently--but neither has been a typical dryad; one was a sea dryad the party encountered in seaweed-choked caves under the ruined village of Greystone and the other was a vampire dryad bound to a fallen oak amid a swath of devastation straddling the hills above the dismal village of Coldwater. 

I hope your players have more luck with the dryads in Monstrous Lair #33: Dryad's Glade

About Five Nights at the Scythe

Standing on a dingy side street in Low City the Scythe has a reputation as a place for hard drinking and its entertainers. Nights at the Scythe are rarely boring—particularly when the legendary halfling bard, Dricolen Nimblefinger, is playing—but most time-crunched GMs gloss over the time between adventures because there are more important things to prepare. Use this eventure to add flavour and interesting events to your PCs’ next night out in Languard!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. Hopefully, we'll avoid the problems many of you suffered with Village Backdrop: Arcmoor (System Neutral). 

Also, I have attached the Scythe's maps to this post for your convenience in a variety of varieties!

Patreon-Only Discount

This weekend it's Father's Day (or at least it is in the UK). To celebrate how awesome fathers are I created a special patron-only discount code for the Raging Swan Press store. Enter bigdaddyswan at checkout to get a 25% discount on your entire purchase. The code works from now until Monday morning. (As you might imagine, I had particular fun coming up with the name for this discount!)

Thank You!

As always, thank you so very much for signing up and supporting Raging Swan Press. I much appreciate it and I hope you get tremendous value and use out of our books. We've had some new members join us this week and so I'm like to particularly welcome Brian Fitzpatrick and Brian Rouse to the Swan's Nest!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your game!


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