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This week, we have a Dungeon Backdrop set in a quintessential adventuring locale--a ruined wizard's tower. You can insert this self-contained dungeon virtually anywhere in a campaign. I'm looking forward to using it myself in my Adventures in Shadow campaign. No doubt the party will wander off in an unforeseen direction at some point and the Crumbled Tower will come to my rescue!

(Art by Dyson Logos)

And, we've also got a Monstrous Lair for you this week; if your campaign is soon to feature wyverns we've got your covered with the 31st instalment in the line!

About The Crumbled Tower

Hidden deep in the forest stands the Crumbled Tower. Pressed close by hoary, gnarled trees and wreathed in moss and lichens the tower is a forlorn remnant of an earlier time. Once a wizard lived here, but now the tower is nothing more than a brooding ruin standing amid the forest’s gloom. Sometimes bandits lair within or adventurers wandering the surrounds use the ruin as a base. However, unknown to all, a hidden crypt yet lurks under the tower undisturbed these long ages past.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Reviews--A Favour?

I was wondering if I could ask you a favour to help spread the word of Raging Swan Press. Would you write a review on DriveThruRPG or the Raging Swan Press Store? I'd much appreciate even a small review as it will give other GMs a better idea about what to expect from our books. Review anything we've published--whatever you fancy!

Thank You!

As always, thank you very much for your support. As I say every week, I much appreciate it and I'm delighted you've decided to be part of our campaign. Rather marvellously, Lyle Stirk, Dark Mouse, Brian Tanner, Daniel Bevis and Chris N have all joined us the week--welcome all!

Have a cracking weekend, and good luck with your games.



holyshit I just realized you teamed up with Dyson Logos on this project that is freaking fantastic and amazing!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 07:05:30 Dyson is a Super wonderful person he has his head on right and makes truly gorgeous captivating maps, that somehow inspire truly deep stories, and RSP Verisimilitude to flesh out games make you feel like ah.. yes this is what D&D is all about ♡♡
2019-05-20 11:00:24 Dyson is a Super wonderful person he has his head on right and makes truly gorgeous captivating maps, that somehow inspire truly deep stories, and RSP Verisimilitude to flesh out games make you feel like ah.. yes this is what D&D is all about ♡♡

Dyson is a Super wonderful person he has his head on right and makes truly gorgeous captivating maps, that somehow inspire truly deep stories, and RSP Verisimilitude to flesh out games make you feel like ah.. yes this is what D&D is all about ♡♡


The perfect compliment to each others work! Truly a joy to see this kind of collaborations within or RPG community