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Sadly, I'm going to have to take a break from the Daily NPC in May. While I've enjoyed writing up the various NPCs--and have used many in my own campaign--I've let a couple of things slide in the last few months that I really need to attend to for the long-term health of Raging Swan Press. 

As you can imagine, with Pathfinder 2 on the horizon and (in the UK) Brexit rumbling on* I've got some serious thinking and plotting to do. So I'll be spending May doing just that!

*Fear not, I won't bore you on this subject.

I've also been pondering a slightly different focus on the daily posts. I could see--for example--the Daily Wondrous Item or the Daily Treasure Chest being really quite handy additions to a GM's tool kit. If you've got any thoughts on this, please leave a note in the comments below.

And finally, I'm hard at work on the compilation of April's NPCs, and should have it in your hands some time next week. 

As always, thank you for your epic support. See on Friday for 20 Things #37: Fane of Evil!


Thomas Stump

Absolutely do what's best for yourself and RSP! Your work is the main reason I'm on Patreon. I like the idea of a daily treasure chest. How would the daily wondrous item idea work? Would it be a system neutral thing or game specific? Have you thought about doing a poll on here about who plans on moving to Pathfinder 2? I'd be curious to see. Thanks for all the hard work!


dude, most excellent Creighton, i certainly appreciate all your talent and vision, as well as all the hours you spend mining and extracting new content. you've done such an outstanding job on the Daily NPC so far this year it'll be quite a while before i run low on NPCs again, and i expect others are in the same boat, so no worries there. other "daily" ideas are certainly intriguing. a daily "what's he got in his pockets?", or "what's in that backpack", would go well for my group, if you get around to it. i'm already thinking along the lines of an entire month of daily "mind-bending twists to blow your player's minds." ha! sorry to hear Pathfinder2 is giving you a headache. i'm glad my group is genre-neutral and rules-light. we'll take all the fabulous fluff and none of the mechanics, please. it's staggering how all the goblins and the undead have come out to play kick-the-can with Brexit. an already country-wide stress event made even more cringingly horrific as it drags on month after month. who could have predicted the utter endlessness of it all? there is no fearsome adventure quite as terrifying as modern politics. so bring on the weekend, the dice, the character sheets, and a bottle of your favorite healing potion. and may the gods bless the druids as the wilderness is overrun with the latest tsunami of progress.


Daily Wondrous Items or Daily Treasure Chests sound like a great idea!


I'm also curious to see the level of support for PF2 vs 5e or System Neutral.


I am running a hexcrawl right now so I'd love to see something along the lines of a Daily Non-Combat Wilderness Encounter or Landmark.


Pathfinder 2 is clearly on my mind, and one of the things I'll be pondering this month. I can say that PF2 won't affect in any way our 5e or System Neutral releases and that I hope to make an announcement soon about our support for the system.


I like the idea of a daily piece of treasure. Instead of rolling a 2 again for the 22nd 250 gp "Carved ivory statuette" the party has gathered, it would be nice to have stuff at hand like your treasure hoards supplement. For instance "Ivory Scroll Case: The off-white surface of this cylinder is marked by gold wire inlay giving shape to a simple labyrinth design. Prying off one of the stitched leather end caps reveals rolled sheets of linen paper, each bearing painstakingly neat handwriting describing gourmet recipes (worth 250 gp; DC 15 Intelligence check values)."


agreed. in fact i wouldn't mind seeing a non-combat urban encounter version, and a non-combat castle encounter version, and maybe even court intrigue encounters as well.