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It's time to turn our thoughts toward March's Daily NPC theme. 

In January we featured the generic category of "townsfolk" and in February we are presenting "adventurers around town". To be ready for March, I'd like to find out what kind of NPCs you'd like to see next month. 

Henchman & Hirelings: This would feature torchbearers, men-at-arms, porters and so on.

Travellers on the Road: A random collection of travellers the PCs could encounter as they journey to their next adventure.

Townsfolk: A random "grab bag" of townsfolk and villagers.

Something Else: Leave a comment regards exactly what you'd like to see in March.  

Please register your vote by the weekend as I'll need to be plotting and scheming on Monday!

As always, thanks very much for your support. 


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