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I’ve been recently thinking it might be fun to do a video AMA (Ask Me Anything) here on the Patreon page.

I’d like to stay away from sex, religion and politics (let’s pretend we are chatting at a dinner party or family barbecue and little ears lurks nearby) but anything game, campaign or Raging Swan Press related is fair game! (Although I should note I’m no rules savant). Fancy knowing a bit about my design process, the tools I use to create our products or something about my campaign? Leave a question in the comments! 

Depending on how many questions I get I might not be able to answer them all, but I'm game if you are. 

The Thingonomicon Reviewed!

The first review of The Thingonomicon has flooded in and I’m delighted to report the book got five stars. If you’d like to leave a rating or review of the book, I’d be jolly grateful. Here’s a direct link to the book over at RPGNow. (And if not, no drama--but I do hope you've been enjoying it!)

A Note on Billing

November/December is an oddity this year in that we release (to you) December’s first two books in November (because you get them several days before they go on release). This means you’ll see an extra charge in November (assuming you haven’t capped your support). 

Given this I felt I should mention that there will only be two paid for products in December instead of the normal three so it all averages out over the two months.

As always, thanks so very much for your support—and I look forward to your questions!


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