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The long wait is over--The Thingonomicon is here. I've looked forward to releasing this book for ages and now the day is at hand!

I've been using the actual, physical book in my game for the last month or so (since I got the first proofs) and I'm tremendously chuffed to be releasing a new hardback. Hardbacks feel like "proper" weighty gaming tomes to me and I love that we've released another one! 

I hope you enjoy The Thingonomicon and get as much use out of it as I have (and will). 

We are also releasing Monstrous Lair #21: Pirates' Cove this week. Why? Because we yarr! (Sorry, about that I can't resist a pirate joke...)

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing your special secret download codes. The codes you get this week depend on your pledge level. At the $2 level you get the code for Monstrous Lair #21: Pirates' Cove while those at the $5 and up levels also get the codes for GM's Miscellany: The Thingonomicon.

Just drop the codes into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Black Friday

As you probably know, today is Black Friday. Raging Swan Press has got in on the act over at our online store so if you fancy a 40% discount on any of our PDFs you should check it out. 

However, I feel obliged to tell you that we have a rather epic Pathfinder promotion coming up in December. I don't have exact details yet (they are still being finalised with OBS), but in December we traditionally do a Pathfinder megabundle deal and this year won't be any different. 

On the subject of megabundles, I've been asked before why we haven't yet done a 5e or System Neutral megabundle. The answer is simple: we don't yet have enough 5e or System Neutral products to do a proper megabundle. At the current rate, though, we will soon!

Thank You!

Thank you very much for your support. You are empowering us to do epic things. I love it that you've decided to support Raging Swan Press in our ongoing quest to make GMs' lives easier and less stressful. 

I'd also like to welcome our new members who have joined us this week. Welcome Lee Christoffers, Matt, Foot of the Mountain Adventures, Jim Stevens, Ryley Crowe, Scott Pinnow, Kevin Mayz and Drive Elizabeth!

In any event, I hope you have an excellent weekend and--as always--good luck with your game!

And I leave you with a quote from my old Shattered Star campaign:

In a way he was right. It wasn't the water that killed him...it was what lurked in the water that killed him!


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