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This week, Jeff Gomez makes a triumphant return to the Village Backdrop line with Hornwall—a village stuffed full of ex-bandit struggling both with its blood-soaked past and potentially blood-soaked future. Jeff’s done a marvellous job bringing the village to life and I hope your players enjoy visiting the place. Hopefully, they’ll get to leave!

In other news, our late November early December line up is looking good. To give you some advance notice of what’s hurtling toward you in the near future we’ve got hardback and softcover versions of GM’s Miscellany: The Thingonomicon (System Neutral), softcovers of our first adventure converted to 5e—Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs—and GM’s Miscellany: Monstrous Lair I (System Neutral). All will be with us before Christmas. And remember, patrons at the $5 and up levels not only get the PDFs as part of their pledge but also get the physical books at half price (or at cost for $10 patrons). Either way, you’ll be making significant savings on these GM’s essentials. 

About Hornwall

Five years ago, the bandits won. They overwhelmed the village of Hornwall, killed its citizens and looted their treasures. Then, they settled down. The bandits of Hornwall now reside within the very defences meant to keep them out. They have given up the sword and taken up the ploughshare, exchanging a life of danger for one of safety. The villagers hide their secret well, but bodies keep appearing—floating in on the current, dug up by dogs and even emerging from the thawing winter snows. And the citizens who wish to return to the old ways are murdered in their sleep by their loved ones and business owners who wish to keep the past dead and buried. If passing travellers learn the truth, they have a choice. Forgive and forget? Or avenge the uncaring dead and leave Hornwall nothing but ashes.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

For your convenience I've also uploaded the village's maps--both tagged and untagged versions--here.

Thank You!

Thanks you so much for your continued support. I know I say it every week, but I much appreciate your continued support. You’ve helped us grow and helped us produce products we never would have been able to do in the past and give us the time and security to explore new ways to make your campaigns less stressful and more fun to run. Thank you. 

And finally, I'd like to welcome our new members, Michael Turbe, Robert Eason, Chris Lewis and Andrew Detmer who have all recently entered the Swan's Nest. Welcome all!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your games!


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