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This week, Raging Swan Press releases Village Backdrop: Aubade by Jacob W. Michaels. I hope you enjoy it, and that you find a place in your campaign or this cursed village! Laid low by a witch's curse, life in the once-prosperous village of Aubade is lived in reverse. At dawn, the streets empty, residents remaining hidden inside during the daylight hours and avoiding the sun’s caress. At night, lamps lining the village's cobblestone streets blaze to life, and the residents emerge to tend their fields and work their nets on the lake as best they can. While the village was once a centre of piety that drew the faithful from miles around to hear the beautiful dawn descants of the children's choir, now no one comes to Aubade. Whispers of vampires swirl around the remote region and frighten travellers from stopping at the village, where residents equally dread visitors will discover their shameful secret. Thank you for your support. Your contribution directly helps me pay my freelance designers a better wage. We are over half way to our next milestone--$200/release--so if you know anyone who might enjoy Raging Swan's books please tell them about us!


Village Backdrop: Aubade

Laid low by a witch's curse, life in the once-prosperous village of Aubade is lived in reverse. At dawn, the streets empty, residents remaining hidden inside during the daylight hours and avoiding the sun's caress. At night, lamps lining the village's cobblestone streets blaze to life, and the residents emerge to tend their fields and [...]


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