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It's a big week at Raging Swan Press as prepare to release GM's Miscellany: Village Backdrop VI for Pathfinder and GM's Miscellany: Village Backdrop III in 5e and System Neutral flavours. Of course, you get the books early today! I hope you are able to include some or all of the villages in your campaign and that your players have a memorable time visiting the various settlements.

In other great news, I'm restarting my Adventures in Shadow campaign (set in Gloamhold) next week and I can't wait. I haven't GMed for a year or so and I'm hoping I can quickly and easily blow away the cobwebs and dust from my screen. Luckily, I've got loads of handy GM's Resources to hand to help with the first few sessions!

And The Survey Says...

Last week, I posted up a survey asking which was your favourite Raging Swan Press line. The results really surprised me and given I'm now plotting 2019's early release schedule, I'm delighted I asked the question as the results have changed a fair few of my plans. Here's a breakdown of your votes (also, if you want to learn a bit more about my thoughts on the results check out this article on my blog):

And on the subject of polls, this week's poll is still active so please vote (if you haven't already).

Where's My Stuff?

By the time you get this patrons at the $5 and up levels should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always, I wanted to thank you for your epic support. I hope you stick with us as he hurtle into 2019. Loads of cool stuff will be emerging from Raging Swan Press Planar HQ I assure you. 

Also--welcome to Thomas Stump, Craig Tann, Guy Runkle and Nikki who have joined (our rejoined us this week!)


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