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This week, sees Richard Pett's second supplement for Raging Swan Press slither into the world in the form of Languard Locations: The Wrecks. Come visit the very worst Languard has to offer! And we also have the somewhat macabre Monstrous Lair #18: Bugbears' Lair for you. 

Your Favourite Line Poll

Earlier this week, I set up a poll with the question: What's your favourite Raging Swan Press line? Over 240 of you have voted! If you haven't yet voted please do so. The poll has changed some of my pre-conceptions about what is and isn't popular and is helping me shape our 2019 release schedule. Please vote and let me know your thoughts. I'll share the results here next week.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you for your continued support. As we hurtle toward 2019 I'm tremendously grateful you are here in our Patreon campaign. It makes the world of difference to what we can achieve, so thank you very much.

I'd also like to welcome our new members Manuele Mecconi, Andrew Sutton and Tyler Marcum who have all joined us this week.


Don't forget to vote in this week's poll. It's just one of a slew of questions I'll be hurling at you in the next few weeks. Have a great week!


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