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Do you need a floating village of ex(ish)-pirates for your campaign? Of course you do. Good news--Mike Welham's got you covered with this week's release: Village Backdrop: Kerwyn's Pride!

Built upon the ruins of a pirate fleet doomed by a savage storm, the floating village of Kerwyn’s Pride now serves as a base from which to thwart piratical activity in the surrounding waters, a shipyard for damaged vessels and as the home of “reformed” pirate captain Vayla Hollan and her crew. The surrounding waters see much trade—three baronies have competing claims for the area—and Vayla acts as a neutral arbiter and toll collector for the competing nobles. Of course, contraband still flows through the village—Vayla hasn’t completely given up on her old lifestyle—but Kerwyn’s Pride is a relatively safe place for a weary crew to drop anchor…if it wasn’t for the anarchic villagers, swarms of deadly insects infesting a nearby island, a strange buzzing sound coming from the surrounding forest and the rumours of a terrible insectile demon taking an unwholesome interest in the village…

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you for your ongoing support. It is awesome and enables us here at Raging Swan Press to keep putting out the kind of supplements we believe help enhance your campaign. 

I'd also like to welcome Devon Manners, David B. Semmes, Neal Levin, Paul Anderson, David Gosselin and Blanchimont Press who all joined us this week. Welcome all!


You might think it a little early to be plotting 2019, but I like to be prepared and organised. So, I've been giving some thought to our release schedule in 2019. I'm hoping to make some announcements and releasing some polls soon, but in the meantime if there is anything you particularly want to see (or not see) from Raging Swan Press in 2019 please leave a note in the comments below!

And Finally...

Behold the jaw-dropping epic illustration I recently received from the awesome Matt Morrow: 

Want to know a bit more about it? Check out the article! 

And that's all for the week. Have an excellent weekend, and thank you again for your support.


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