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This week, we are back in Languard--and we are diving into the Fishshambles district! This instalment of the Languard Location line grew out of the open call Raging Swan launched earlier in the year. The standard of entries for Languard Locations: Beyond the Walls was so high we decided to convert some of the suitable locations into the Fishshambles. I couldn't see them on the "cutting room floor". 

I'm very pleased with the result, and I hope you are as well! 

In other Ashlar news, my Adventures in Shadow campaign set in Languard is about to restart. In just a couple of weeks time, I'll be able to assail my players with all manner of tentacled monsters (and--perhaps more terrifyingly--house rules!) I can't wait. 

The 30,000-Word Adventure Update

As you might recall, last week I announced I'm slaving away a 30,000-word design challenge in September. I'm writing from scratch--or practically from scratch--The Forsaken Demesne of the Demon's Cultists, which is set in the ruins of Greystone. I'm almost two weeks in, and I've just posted up my first update. Check it out! (And let me know what you think, in the articles comments).

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. This week, they comprise:

  • Languard Locations: Fishshambles (5e, Pathfinder and System Neutral Edition versions) and
  • Monstrous Lair #16: Thieves' Hideout (which seems more than a little appropriate!)

Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Our Patreon campaign is a mainstay of Raging Swan Press's success, and I'm delighted you are a part of it. Thank you. Without your support, I don't think Raging Swan Press would be able to do all the things we are doing (and some of the things in the pipeline for next year).

I'd also like to namecheck all our new members-- Blaine Salgado, Brandon Lujan. John Cecil, Trimbor Slade, David L. Pearson, Bradley O'Hanrahan and Ulf Garbe who have all joined us this week. Welcome one and all!

And that's it from me. Have a cracking weekend, and good luck with your game.


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