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This week, Raging Swan Press was meant to be releasing Villages of Ashlar. Unfortunately, some technical problems (see below if you are interested in the full story) have meant I’m uncomfortable releasing the product as it stands. This sucks, as I really want to show you the new (epic) maps Tommi has done for several of the villages.

No matter, Villages of Ashlar will release next month. In its place, I present six new tremendously handy GM’s Screens:

- GM’s Screen #7: Haunted House

- GM’s Screen #8: Forgotten Crypt

- GM’s Screen #9: Curio Shop

- GM’s Screen #10: Subterranean Mine

- GM’s Screen #11: Sun-Scorched Desert

- GM’s Screen #12: Dark Caverns

I’m sorry for the delay with Villages of Ashlar. If you were banking on getting a copy today for an imminently upcoming game, drop me a line and we’ll work something out. 

I hope these GM's Screens help you run a better session--I've tested several in my game and found them tremendously useful.

Finally, as planned, we also present  Monstrous Lair #14: Lizardfolk Village this week for your gaming pleasure!

The Full Story 

In truth, the PDFs have been ready for well over a month. However, some strange technical problems have arisen with the illustrations and how their transparent background interact with the surrounding text (in that the background turns black and masks some of the text) in the physical print version of the book—the PDFs are fine (and frustratingly print out perfectly here at Planar HQ) but both proof copies of the final book are decidedly unfine. 

Clearly, I’m not going to release the print book in such a condition. I’m also uncomfortable only releasing the PDF today while I continue to beat the print problem into submission. Thus, Villages of Ashlar will now release at the end of September. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you very much for your support--you keep the lights on and the computer fans whirring here at Planar HQ. As we stagger through the summer, I wanted to let you know you have made a real, positive difference to Raging Swan Press and I much appreciate your support.

I'd also like to welcome Christopher Boulton and Eugene Hansen who have heroically joined us this week. Welcome, chaps!

Have an excellent weekend. If you are gaming, good luck and good hunting,



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