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As you might recall, a few months ago I polled you about your GM Screen use and shared a couple of draft products I was plotting. Your reaction was overwhelmingly positive and so now after tinkering with the format and suchlike--behold--the first six entries in the GM's Screen line: 
  • GM’s Screen #1: Kobold Warren
  • GM’s Screen #2: Borderland Forest
  • GM’s Screen #3: Goblin Caves
  • GM’s Screen #4: Seedy Tavern
  • GM’s Screen #5: Noisome Sewer
  • GM’s Screen #6: Borderland Keep

Space behind your GM’s screen is precious (and limited). You’ve got dice, figures, the adventure, reference books—obviously a drink and snacks—as well as pencils, pens, a notebook and more! Often times a GM needs to be a juggler to make it all fit. That’s why we created the GM’s Screen line. Most GM screens focus on presenting the rules. 

This GM’s Screen line is different. Instead of rules, each instalment presents a hyper-focused page of dressing, minor events and more all designed to add depth and flavour to an adventure. (And better yet, you can use the tables without your players realising what you are doing!)

I hope you enjoy these and find them useful. I'm jolly interested to know what I should feature in upcoming instalments in the line. Please leave a comment in the comments below. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always, I'm tremendously grateful for your support. 2018 is shaping up to be a stellar year, and you are a huge part of that success. And--of course--now rather marvellously it's Christmas in July! When will the festive madness end?

I'd also like to welcome the new members who have joined us this week: Juan Milano Escar, Alex Neilson, Lloyd Rasmussen, Matthew Chalmers, Maxwell Spann, Jeremi Finn, Chad Owen and Ben Nettleship. Welcome all! 

Finally, have an epic weekend. If you are gaming, I hope you have more luck than we did on Wednesday night. Three of our group died in a battle we shouldn't have fought. In unrelated news, I am excellent at playing clerics...



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