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As you know, I spent the weekend at Games Expo UK. I had a blast (more on that tomorrow on my blog) and got to meet up with some old friends I hadn't seen in ages. 

One of the comments I heard repeated while at the con was something along the lines of, "You should publish material for [insert game system]." Of course, Raging Swan's focus is very much Pathfinder/5e/OSR because those are the kinds of games I know, love and play. 

I thought I'd ask here, however, if there was any interest in material designed for other systems. Essentially, the systems that came up repeatedly were Call of Cthulhu and Starfinder. I have no immediate plans to start producing such material, but I wanted to discover if there was any interest for the future. (And if we did start producing such material it wouldn't affect our current and ongoing fantasy release schedule). 

Let me know what you think, in the poll below (and/or leave a comment if you fancy it)!


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