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Ah Languard, how I've been looking forward to releasing this book! As you probably know, I started work on Languard last year--live designing the city week by week over on my blog. This week's release presents the first look at Languard, capital city of Ashlar. I hope you enjoy it.

What's also rather cool is that a few weeks ago I was able to start a sporadic campaign in the city and its surrounds. I've enjoyed sharing Languard with my players and even better--I've been doing extra design based now what happens in our sessions. It turns out play is a great impetus to design!


Storied Languard—capital of Ashlar and its greatest city—stands hard against Hard Bay’s turbulent, stormy waters. To the north lies the Mottled Spire’s brooding spray-drenched mass, the curse-haunted ruins of Greystone and Gloamhold’s doom-wreathed halls. Ashlar’s greatest—indeed only—city, Languard is a noisy, dirty place. Here, amid broad, muddy streets teeming with life and shadow-mantled, danger-filled alleyways there is little beneath the sun that cannot be had somewhere—for a price.

Few Languardians overly concern themselves with the brooding terrors lurking within Gloamhold’s halls, but for others, the legendary, benighted ruin draws them to Languard as a moth to a flame. For within Languard’s stout walls live, plot and scheme a surprising number of adventurers, freebooters and mercenaries all lured here by the treasures said to lie but a scant few miles to the north.

Where's My Stuff?

By the time you get this supporters at the $5 level and up you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

I've also attached Tommi Salama's gorgeous city map here for your convenience. Poster versions will also be on sale on Monday at our store (and I'm hoping to soon have some exciting news about poster maps for you!)

Thank You!

Thank you so much for your continued support--it continues to enable us to do what we do--which is what we love! I'd also like to welcome Vesala, Pete Frederick and Mark Kelly who have joined us this week!

Have an excellent weekend and, if you are gaming, roll high!


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