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Hello everyone!

It might be dark and drizzly outside and the tail end of a hurricane might be on the way, but it's not all doom and gloom here at global HQ! This week, we've got Richard Green's latest work--Places of Power: Forgotten Athenaeum for your gaming pleasure. Available in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral editions the Forgotten Athenaeum is the perfect place to go when you need to find scraps of esoteric, forgotten lore--something PCs seem to need to do on a surprisingly regular basis! Hopefully you'll be able to find a spot for it in your campaign. 


The Forgotten Athenaeum

A GM’s Resource by Richard Green

Centuries ago, the librarians of the Athenaeum of Tirinos saved thousands of precious tomes and scrolls from the book-burning legions of an invading army. Casting a powerful ritual, they whisked the entire library and its grounds away to safety on another plane of existence. Today, the Forgotten Athenaeum remains on the Astral Plane, collecting and preserving blasphemous texts, uncomfortable truths and dangerous lore. Using a hidden network of portals, visitors travel to the library from across the multiverse to browse its shelves and uncover its many secrets. This great wealth of knowledge attracts both innocent scholars and academics as well as unscrupulous spies and rogues.

The next time your PCs need to track down an obscure piece of information, why not send them to the Forgotten Athenaeum?

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You & Welcome

Thank you for supporting us; you make our new way of working possible and have helped us up the game in terms of the quality of products we can release. 

Welcome to Troels, Joshua Glisson, Martin Grice, Timothy Keeler, Sean Ramsey, Carl Green, Rocky, Ron Boggs, Thomas Joseph and Mark Hudgens who have all joined us this week. I hope you enjoy our products and that they help you run a better, more awesome campaign!

Have an excellent weekend. If you are gaming, I hope you roll better than your players!


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