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Welcome to September! 

This week we've got 20 Things #18: Troublesome Treasures limbering up on the metaphorical bench. On Monday, the book will burst into the world, but you get your copy early as a thank you for your continuing support. I hope you find the book useful and that it helps you torment your players in a new and completely different kind of way. (But don't tell them I said that).

You'll also find attached to this post, GM's Monthly Miscellany: September 2017. Download it to get an advanced preview of our other releases this month!

And, while I have you--welcome to our new members: the Wandering Alchemist, Dean Valenti and Rhonda Frazier-Evans who have all joined us this week. 

Raging Swan's Own Store

I've previously alluded to scheming and plotting in the shadows and dust of Global HQ while I continue my (irritatingly long) recovery from a broken ankle and oversee some extensive building works. Last week, I announced Raging Swan Press would shortly be selling our products on Fantasy Grounds.

This week, I can make two more exciting announcements. 

Firstly, we now have our own online store! This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but never managed to get around to it. Victory is now mine. 

The store is so new, I haven't even added any links to our main site yet (that's today's job). 

The second piece of (for me) beyond exciting news is that along with PDFs our store is also selling poster maps in a variety of sizes. I've always wanted to turn some of our full page maps, like Tommi Salama's epic Ashlar map, into a poster and I recently worked out how to do just that! 

Here's a picture of my proof 18'' x 24'' Ashlar map


Sadly, I haven't managed to get it framed yet, but once Global HQ is up and running it will *so* be up on the wall.

At the moment, the store only sells PDFs and posters. As of yet, I haven't listed any print books; that's because I'm based on the UK whereas the vast majority of our customers are in the States and I haven't yet worked out a way of dodging ruinous postage costs. Hopefully, this won't be an insurmountable problem. 

In any event, to celebrate the new store, I thought you might like a special discount. Enter HeroicPatreon at checkout to get 25% off anything and everything. The code lasts for two weeks from today and is good for one purchase. 

(And, if you check out the store please let me know what you think).

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always thank you for your support. You make what we do possible. Have an excellent weekend.


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