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What a set of books we've got for you this week. If you need a village full os cannibalistic halflings, John Bennett has got you covered. Available in Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral Edition versions Village Backdrop: Needlebriar is sure to be a place your PCs will enjoy visiting...assuming they survive.

Needlebriar lies in a remote corner of a large duchy. Years ago, war devastated the small halfling community, leading the villagers to commit heinous acts of cannibalism and murder to survive. The violence awoke an ancient spirit who granted the desperate halflings the power to hunt those who dared to harm them. Generations have passed and the halflings continue to hunt the nearby lands, transforming into beasts to sate their hunger. Dancing around raging bonfires, they hold bloody feasts, devouring their captive victims, in worship of the fell spirit of the land, becoming more like wild animals every day as they slink further into depravity. Many of the halfling have the tell-tale shake of cannibalism about them and shuffle about the village in heavy leather cloaks. Meanwhile, the rest of the duchy becomes more and more suspicious.

What Games Do You Play?

Last week, I asked what games you played. The response was brilliant--174 of you answered my question--and I have to confess I was a little surprised by the result. I thought you might like to see the results:

Your answers certainly underlined the importance of the 5e and System Neutral Edition versions of our various books. As I begin to plot the 2018 release schedule this is a jolly useful thing to know. (And as an aside, I even learnt the name of several new games I'd never heard of before!) 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always, thank you for your support. We hit an important quasi-milestone this week--we are now halfway toward my goal of launching a Raging Swan Press podcast. I can't wait!

And--of course--thank you to everyone who joined up this week: Michael McNeill, Todd Gest, Sittizen, AJ, Donald Fiore Schena, M. Sean Molley and Wayne Tripp; I hope you find Raging Swan Press's books jolly useful!

See you all next week; have a great weekend!


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