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We got two new books for you this week--I hope you enjoy them!

Of the two, 20 Things #16: Necromancer's Lair is by far my favourite. Necromancers are a staple foe of good-hearted PCs and it seems like a good idea to make their lairs as flavoursome as possible--such foul, odious folk should be so much more than a stat block, after all.

Welcome to our new members: Veronica Andersson, Soren Kroyer, Jason Penick, Tim Fisher, Nate Yapp, Matthew Screng Paluuch, Christopher Gautrau, Kevin, Brian Musrove, Flaks Kader, Al Behnke, Fridge Largemeat and Jeff Gatlin; I hope you enjoy our books and find them jolly useful. And thank you to Michael L and Kurt Roesener for levelling up their support!

In slightly less great news, I broke my ankle yesterday evening while out running. (This fitness lark is a nightmare). Good news is that I've had worse, and I won't need surgery. However, this might slow me down a bit in my response times as it's hard to sit at my desk while elevating my leg (I'm just not that bendy). Please keep this in mind, if you send me a message.

In any event, without further ado, here are this week's books. Enjoy!

20 Things #16: Necromancer's Lair

20 Things #16: Necromancer’s Lair comprises the following 20 Things articles:

  • 8 Blasphemous Tomes of Forbidden Lore
  • 10 Horrible Sensations
  • 10 Horrible Sounds
  • 20 Blasphemous Spell Components
  • 20 Things to Find in a Necromancer’s Sanctum
  • 1,000 Abnormal Skeletons
  • 1,000 Abnormal Zombies

GM's Monthly Miscellany: July 2017

Featuring material from some of Raging Swan Press’s newest products as well as classic releases of yesteryear, advice articles and material from Creighton’s on-going design of the megadungeon Gloamhold, the GM’s Monthly Miscellany series is a terrific free resource for the busy, time-crunched GM.This month’s issue features:

  • 1,000 Abnormal Troglodytes
  • Skaalhaft At A Glance (from Village Backdrop: Skaalhaft)
  • Beacon Promontory at a Glance (from Places of Power: Beacon Promontory)
  • 6 Will-o’-Wisps with Personality

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for 20 Things #16: Necromancer's Lair. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

The files for GM's Monthly Miscellany: July 2017 are attached to this post (as I can't send out codes for a free product!) 

See you next week!


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