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It's time to get back to practice and resume Lulusa's exciting nighttime adventures with your super sexy OCs. Lulusa has had enough rest, and she's eager to continue her journey. There are no changes in the rules BUT a little extra chance.

As you already know, I'll randomly select 7 to 10 OCs for sketching. HOWEVER, there will be one candidate chosen by popular vote. How does it work? simple:

🖤All genders are welcome!

🖤Deadline September 25th at 12pm (GMT+10). I´ll be working on the doodles the next days ^^




🖤Please include your OC's name in the post. I will randomly pick some OCs to draw 7 to 10 doodles where I'll be doing (l3wd, romantic or cute) scenes with Lulusa in a doodle exercise.

🖤One OC per person.

🖤Upload the reference image or gallery of your OC throught a webpage of your preference that generates a link (discord link, imgur, google drive etc). And add it in the comments of this post.

🖤All humanoid races are allowed, (even if it's not Warcr4ft related), no min0rs characters, no furry (worgens, Tauren are OK).

🖤Remember that this event is ONLY for Patrons and Subscribers and their own OCs, so please don't include OCs that aren't yours.

🖤 Any question don't hesitate to DM me!

🖤 Please take care with N S F W vocabulary, use numbers instead (ex: l3wd, d1ck)

Here's the examples of how the pics would be: click here

This is not a r4ffle.




Sending in my Dunmer Archy- She’s been in one before but it was a solo piece, so hopefully this time she can rock Lulusa’s world :> https://mega.nz/folder/MvYkDQpa#Prv8E5h0BB6U3bdSF8__Tw


I'll send in Scarlette =p https://catbox.moe/c/o8e6tm