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Hey patrons!

It's time to share the new version of LLN (Lulusa's Long Nights) with you and keep the good content coming! Despite some delays in other processes, I'm still working hard to deliver the best. And I couldn't resist to do this activity each month that I love the most.

The conditions remain the same, so it's time for you to showcase your OCs again. I'm super excited to see what you have to show this time!

Thanks for your ongoing support and for being part of this creative journey. I'm sure we're going to make something really awesome together!


🖤All genders are welcome!

🖤Deadline May 21st. I´ll be working on the doodles the next day ^^




Please don't put me at risk of being banned on P4treon using delicate words (specially s3xual and sl4very related like: p0rn, sl4ve, s3x, zlut, d1ck, g4ngb4ng etc). In this case, i'll delete your comment.

🖤Please include your OC's name in the post (And your twitter name if you want to be tagged when I post the drawing there :D). I will pick some OCs to draw some doodles where I'll be doing (l3wd or cute) scenes with Lulusa in a practice exercise.

🖤One OC per person.

🖤Upload the reference image or gallery of your OC throught Google Drive, or a image post webpage that allows N S F W content, or any of your preference that generates a link. And add it in the comments of this post.

🖤All humanoid races are allowed, (even if it's not Warcr4ft related), no min0rs characters, no furry (worgens, Tauren are OK).

🖤Remember that this event is ONLY for Supporters and Subscribers and their own OCs, so please don't include OCs that aren't yours.

🖤 Any question don't hesitate to DM me!

Here's the examples of how the pics would be: click here

This is not a r4ffle




https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/156P1ROEP-VTwk32CbOchf9kjehZB4kM2?usp=sharing Really enjoying this series, seeing so much beautiful OC alongside lulusa !


Chief Hellblaze: https://i.imgur.com/nBpKOYO.jpg Twitter : @Chiefhellblaze He's a Savage Orc, Raider and all-around big boi. :3


Going With My Daemon Again Oh Btw Her tail has had a Upgrade if u pick me plz lemme know so i can send you the details ^^ https://twitter.com/kirelinta/status/1653110822430728219


Gonna submit Raseri again! https://imgur.com/a/zlv31Hp


Gonna try FF Zan this go around. But I wonder what would happen if someone grabbed Lulu's wonderful head gear and yanked. Maybe teasing. maybe to drag her onto a cock. Who can say what will happen. https://imgur.com/a/aHK7gGG


My tavern maid/thief Brelyna. Twitter tag @BlackCapBandit2 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zY47mEUgwW5InVwlbHvrvopyeiG30DLi?usp=sharing


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19-aqsQdCBQKWVs5jxFBNH7fLadoXOQIJ?usp=sharing Morgomir would enjoy spending more intimate time with Lulusa


Hoping this is the time for my Blood Elf Demon Hunter Kalderea https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dAmmy2i5QTXgAXJMT3wqJ8sYfTpLlN_i?usp=sharing

Joshua Gordon

I offer a new oc this time: my Drow Elf Noble Warlord, Kothan d'Larr https://imgur.com/Y9R6bAU


My Sen with Lulu in latex holding hands https://sta.sh/0cc7j7d0eh7


I can't access, but I guess I should use the same reference as the last month, right? ^^

Connor Fletcher

I have a new guy this time! Trevor Durant. If you're feeling bold, he has a magic powered armor he wears into battle ;) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UFOoP0tRYw5ibn0Bfc37ltd5BUl-LEQo?usp=share_link


in fact :p https://wordpress.com/view/markofthewild.blog (check page 26 😏)


Going with Zackrand on this one https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BvJhVUileKl7OaHHqy-2y56lcxGtBcQt?usp=share_link


Gonna offer my night elf Niala Moonthorn again! After missing last time do to health issues, I figured I'd give it another shot! Niala would love to get to know Lulusa some more. My heart skipped a beat seeing the last one. <3 <3 Image references with a text file describing important details on my side email: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gS8obOdvP9Sn1SKNAvijcs_8_7pad1g0?usp=sharing Thank you once again for this. <3


Throwing my hat back in again! Adding in some more Refs of Aerone for body build accuracy. You can Taurenify him as well for chance, also would be honored haha :D Would love a good SQUISHY SMASHY time with Lulusa, just a wonderfully eye rolling lovefest :3 A few Pose refs for feel of the scene possibly :D https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WDHmYDfwp3mZL02pwuwuu6SRsgTT2OFO?usp=share_link

Frankh of Fethdor

I almost missed this! Whew! I would like to submit my OC Hannah and I included a few pose references for her and Lulusa. My twitter is @fethdor. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AJi0JE95RCl24Ds-ZDj5_cLtsFoAm8RR?usp=share_link

Erik Thet

I absolutely love that you do this. <3 Obviously I have to go with Syreah. Last time Lulusa got the upper hand and teased an obviously exhausted Syreah by asking if she wanted another round. -Clearly- Syreah has to return the favor! https://imgur.com/a/ZkhmC4w


yes, don't know why it won't let you access it though, guess i don't have some setting set up right and fixed


Ahhhh, my first time submitting and I'm super excited! Here is Kaldrinal Skyshadow, my arrogant, cunning and silver-tongued Highborne from Eldre'Thalas. I'm sure he and Lulu can have lots of fun! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hH7Uf_nvewGqMUj4xmbkqnrLyHcDD7_Q?usp=sharing


https://imgur.com/a/OqJQ0HT You know Wiley can’t stay away!! @Wiley_Alvingham Gotta try every chance I get! 😂


I'm throwing my wolfgirl Saphira (@SaphiraLouveaux) in the ring again :) https://imgur.com/a/ATrbBYC

Erik Thet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-28 02:09:45 Goodness I love everything about her! <3
2023-05-22 07:37:23 Goodness I love everything about her! <3

Goodness I love everything about her! <3

Lowmaine (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-28 02:09:44 Well I *gotta* get Bea in on this! :&gt; https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R0mQaAxIiCWRBfZqZ8DZlUf8znnE3wi2?usp=sharing
2023-05-23 07:03:56 Well I *gotta* get Bea in on this! :> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R0mQaAxIiCWRBfZqZ8DZlUf8znnE3wi2?usp=sharing

Well I *gotta* get Bea in on this! :> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R0mQaAxIiCWRBfZqZ8DZlUf8znnE3wi2?usp=sharing