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I was getting ready to start the doodles, and after reviewing each of your comments I realized that this time there are TOO MANY OCs who decided to participate :D!! Handsome males ans super sexy females, demons, taurens, catboy/girls, goblins, dragons, worgen, humans and elves! this makes me really happy because it means that this is an activity that many of you are enjoying along with me!!
But this also means that it will be harder to choose every time!! That's cruel with me 🥴!

Good luck everyone 😉!




Tysm for doing this with us darkra 🙏 Don't feel pressured! We'll be here next time ❤️


Oh my gosh look at all those amazing characters. I dont think I'd be able to choose either 😭 What you're doing with us all is truly something special and we are so happy to be able to be apart of it so thank you so so much 💙


You're really putting together an army here, united in their love of Lulusa haha!


It's super cool to see everyone's awesome characters, even if an old one of mine is up there lol, but LalaCel lives fondly on in my heart ^^

D Banks

oh darn I didn't make the list


I must have missed the opportunity to submit, but if you're still taking OCs I'd love to send mine. 😍


Hell yeah means so many people love it :3

Frankh of Fethdor

Holy cow look at all that sexiness! I think i'm in love with that red lady Uriel, on the lower left!


"Lulusa's Long Nights" *ahem* more Sleepless Cruise with that many applicants. What a great thing though! It's amazing what you inspire in people!


The Curse of being a Very Popular Artist with a very much loved Oc i supose ^^

Scarlett Sheep

Oh no I missed it!!! T v T Good luck everyone


Evreyone's OCs are so handsome and beautiful *.* This will be so fun to see!


So many pog Ocs i look forward to whoever is chosen


Hell of a choice! Good luck on picking, Darkra. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it. All Lulusa is wonderful. x3