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Hi guys, I just want to let you know this month we were quite busy. I have been feeling down recently because I have not seen soba in almost three years now. But this month he is finally getting a visa to come out and stay with me for a while. He is feeling lonely because he is by himself in China and I had an opportunity to get him out earlier and I always regret not doing it then and before the pandemic. 

I hope we can draw more for you guys because we feel much more productive when we can work together in real life and support each other. I know I haven't been the most communicative recently and we haven't touched the Devilman animation for a while but it will resume. I let my DMs build up here and I'm very sorry for it, I will respond best I can to them in the meantime. 

Also I still have your fanart suggestions saved from last month and this month and will continue sketching them. For this month please enjoy some old works. Thank you for the continued support over these years.



I know you still did great drawings and you will continue to make them. I am very happy for you two! Stay strong and enjoy the time with Soba

The Nothing Nobody

That's understandable. I think anyone would be feeling that pain, as it were, after 3 very very long years like that, apart. I'm glad you're finally being able to get back together once again though.