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Gym time lol. What would you do if you saw this much freaky muscle and cock at the gym??




I prey to poor Harry's soul that will leave his body at the end of month by flood of Gain's cum that's greater than the flood in Noah's Ark and the Gain's obelisk that's already longer than half of average human's height and still growing.


Gain is probably producing enough precum to fill a bathtub every single day. And Harry is probably taking his bath in that bathtub and then walks casually naked in their apartment, covered by the manly scent of his beast of a boyfriend, just to tease him. ^^ In the end, he may regret that month of November, but he will remember it for sure.


At the End of November he’s gonna flood his Apartment with his boyfriend

Víctor Hugo

Would be staring shamelessly


What would I do? Do whatever it takes to be trained by him


I'm loving the size compare and facial expressions on this one!

May Bee

oh, if only he could suck his own dick, but rules *are* rules

Al Cal

would be amazing to see gain use his schlong to beak through walls!!


Would do pullups on the extra bar

Tre Nawoc

This is amazing! If my calculations on last week’s pic hold true, that cock is going to be nearly as tall as Harry!

Tre Nawoc

I wonder, with all that muscle growth, if Gain will finally break past a 12 pack abs?

Jeff Smith

Hot damn! Gain is growing even bigger and faster than I would have ever imagined!! He's already surpassed my wildest dreams, and there's still one more week to go! I truly cannot even predict what we'll be seeing next week... And because I was absolutely floored by Gain's sperm production, I did a little bit of math. Ten liters of water equals about 22 pounds in weight, and I'd assume that sperm is likely more dense and heavier than water, so just the fluid inside of Gain's behemoth bollocks must weigh more than 22 pounds!! And then there's the balls themselves -- all of that thick, dense meat must weigh even more that THAT!! So I would conservatively estimate that Gain's insanely bloated ballsac must weigh north of 50 pounds!!!!! I'd be instantly worshipping those magnificent baby makers! And a final side note -- I love the little detail of how his clenched fist has completely crumpled that thick metal bar! The STRENGTH in that stud's hands must be unimaginable!!