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Some previews of stuff we're workin' on. By the way, just an update on the Discord server, I have created it, but one of the bots it needs to self assign roles is down, so I am waiting for it to be up before I can connect Patreon to it! Thank you for your guy's patience!  

Also, I will be uploading all the Gumroad packs soon. I apologize for the slow speed, I had to remake the previews for a lot of them so that they are visible for preview during purchase. I will make another announcement tomorrow when they are available.



Jeff Smith

Freaking AWESOME!! The sheer, raw, masculine POWER in these massive cocks is breathtaking. Seriously loving all of that muscle and man meat. Thanks as always for sharing your creations with us!


Thank you wor the hard work! Can't wait for the discord, exctited to see what kind of like minded people will be there XD Also good work on the Gumroad, can't wait to purchase the stuff I missed 🤣🤣🤣 Also, great sketches! Always loving your more brutal stuff 💪💪💪

Víctor Hugo

WoW! 0w0 Great work! I can't wait to see more. The muscular guys you guys draw are always amazing! I would like to see more of yours sequences for muscular Todoroki and skinny Midoriya and bully muscular Bakugou and Midoriya again... if possible.



