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      I apologize for the lack of art lately, A bunch of not-fun things happened to line up all at once. I was sick for most of the last month, and generally in a bad headspace. I did keep trying to get some art done, but it can be difficult to draw the kind of things I do when in those kinds of states.

      I do have some WIPs and sketches from that time that I'm right now working on cleaning up to be presentable. Regardless of mood, I keep myself to a schedule of always opening Photoshop and drawing something, so even when my headspace is not great I'm still keeping up some productive momentum.

      I have a plan for the poll backlog, which I will be reaching out to Big Box tier people for soon so if you are not in the discord server keep an eye out for Patreon messages (people seem to rarely reply to those lol). That is my main priority right now, and one of the sets should be up in the next day or so.

      For other goings on, I've been making a big push to get a Steam page up for Bito's Box Bash. It needs some key art, a trailer, and some nice screenshots, so I've been working on some level and character design and polishing up the code. That Bito comic I sketched out a bit ago is also something I'm hoping to get done to release alongside it. I've been holding back a lot of that work for a long time and I'm really eager to get it public (especially when the platform with my largest follower count is not in the most stable place these days.)

Thanks for the support, and as always more art is on the way,
- Bite



No worries dude take all the time you need! I'm still here because I adore your work and love to see more. Small steps, you got this! 💕💗💗💖

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-13 06:17:24 Take as much time as you need!! Your health is important! <3!!
2023-06-29 10:44:42 Take as much time as you need!! Your health is important! <3!!

Take as much time as you need!! Your health is important! <3!!