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     So on November 30th A rain & heavy wind storm knocked down a tree in my yard, it yanking down power lines and landing on my sister's car on the way to the ground. After, we still had power but now we had wires all over our wet yard and hanging in the road. After trying to keep people from driving into the obvious low hanging wires in the street, with the help of a random good sanitarian with a heavy Brooklyn accent who yelled at drivers. Our results were mixed.

    Eventually the power company came to get the wires out of the road, worked for a bit, and on their way out they say "We have to respond to a 911 call, but you have a cut neutral power line" we were like "what is that?" and said "the neutral line" and left without informing us if it was any danger or doing anything about it. I tried to do some research on if this was a risk, and found some stuff saying it could damage electronics and so I unplugged my PC and equipment for the night, but I'm no electrician and was unsure what to fully do. We tried calling the power company but got a call center that did not know what a neutral line was ether.

We thought "they would not just leave us like this in danger, and not tell us, right?"

   So nothing more that night, the next day a contractor sent by the power company comes and sees we had the neutral wire cut, and were like "holy fuck, you still have power? How did the other guy leave you like this, that could fry all of your electronics and is a fire hazard! We gotta cut your power right now." so they do that. They do some repairs but only now tell us we need our own electrician to restore power to our house. So now we got no power or heat.

    So to roughly explain a neutral line. Power in the US is a circuit, 2 lines bring power in, 1 brings excess power out, that one is the neutral line. So without the neutral line, you are at risk of getting too much power fed into your house, which could fry anything plugged in, cause lights to be too bright or dim, or start a fire.

    We frantically call a few electricians, and eventually get one who actually picked up, and to our luck they arrived an hour or 2 later and got right to work. Just as it was getting dark and really cold, they finished a temp job that got power working again (but need to come back to make a permanent fix).

  So in the aftermath, we were without power for a couple hours, and that guy really should of made sure it was disconnected the day before. The tree cut our landline phone and cable coax lines, but we have not had ether of those services for a while. The fiber optics line was fine other than being on the ground.  Other than cleanup, and my sister fixing her car, No one was hurt and It's more or less sorted out now.

More art coming soon, just the last 2-3 days were kinda a clusterfuck lmao.



It's a good thing no one got hurt! Take care