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So the votes have been cased, dice have been rolled, and choices have been made!
We got 6 winners, 2 losers, and 2 lucky bastards!

Ties were broken ether by dice rolls, merged into 1, or I picked what I felt worked best. If you want a breakdown of how many votes each got, and how ties were broken, here are the numbers [HERE]

I will start to sketch them out very soon.




The like to the google doc isn’t working


I admit I’m not clear on which characters you’re going to be drawing. Just the first place winners? All 8? Or in between?


The 1st, 2nd, and 'Bite's Pick' ones are gonna get drawn for both. The last place and 'Let the dice decide' were me having a bit of fun, and they will probably get drawn, but only after the actual winners are.