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     I added some more improvements to the auto-tile code. Now railings, roofs, and poles have auto-tilers. Other than some small cases that need tidying up I got most of the things I wanted to have to be auto-tiled, and I have all of the code resources I need to build out a new village and some levels, I just now need some proper tiles. But with the auto tiler it will make it easier to have placeholder tiles now, and swap them out for proper ones later. I might try and get a new build out in a couple days.

    I also added in some parallax code for the backgrounds. Art is placeholder, being down-scaled from concept art, but I'm happy with how it looks. I also added 3 parallax tile layers, where before the PLX trees and walls were objects.

    You can also hear a new player down fanfare in this clip, I finally replaced the one left over from the old game project BBB's code was based on lmao.

Also here I was working on some code for time of day changes:

    I'm working out some kind of system to have time progress as you play, the actual code to set up something like that would not be hard. I was mostly thinking of keeping a timer for 15-20 minute time-of-day intervals, with a full in-game day being around an hour or so.

   It would probably be more on the simple side, with cosmetic changes to levels, some NPC interactions or layout changes based on the time, but how many day-night cycles pass overall in game won't have much of an impact on things.

   I was already planning on inns you can sleep in to regain all your HP and Mojo with a bonus, and they could be useful places to pick a time of day. It could also be a good indicator of when NPCs you just had a 'fun' scene with are ready for another round, or maybe some are more open to doing it late at night.

For an 'After Dark' game, it would be good for it to actually get dark lmao.


Bito's Box Bash - Parallax Example - v2

Some Parallax Improvements


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