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Here are some new character designs for Bito's Box Bash.
The Town's Guard (no name yet).
    A character I was inspired to write in to emphasize how Bito is supposed to be a low level nothing-special summon (despite being the main character of the game). This guard would be the 'main hero' who is trying to figure out the plot's larger issue, working with the town's mayor. They can be dismissive and not too welcoming to Bito, but they are not a bad guy. As a player you can choose to help them, ignore them and tackle it all yourself, or get in their way lol.
    I included some early sketched I did on paper too, the first couple looked a bit too close to Batu, and I went back and forth a lot on what facial hair to give them. I still have to design a feminine version of them too, with how there is Batu/Baily and so on.

The new Imp - Lowe
    The other elevator operator around the HQ, the alternative to Rose. A lot of his design was an inversion of Rose's and he will fill in for her if your content settings are set to prefer masculine characters.

    Last up, a kind of an anti-design for a character, a while ago I was messing with a design for 'Strangers', random NPCs that hang around to make places less empty, but are not really a part of the story.
    It would help save time not to have to design characters to just fill out the background. But also I've run into a situation multiple times where I design a character to just be a unimportant background character, only for someone to see them and gush about them and want to have more interactions with them. I think it would be best to make sure any defined character you meet has some deeper interaction available (and also it could be fun to include Strangers in some situations.)

     And also I tossed in a few pics showing off some additions I did to the tileset code I mentioned a few posts ago. I expanded the logic to handle interactions between different land tiles, which made adding darkened 'back wall' tiles much easier. I also started to block out buildings based on that concept art, but as you can see it's lacking most detailsl. Overall I made a bunch of tools that will make building levels much more efficient, I just need new tiles to use lol.

    My wrist/arm is still healing, it's getting better but still not 100%, but in my downtime I'm still keeping busy. I've been blocking out the first summons's story and branching paths.




Oh that town guard is cute! Exactly how would Bito be getting in the guard’s way 👀