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Doodling around to warm up this morning, and I sketched out some character concepts I was toying with.

No set names yet, though I think Berri works for the short one, since they got a Strawberry theme going on.

So lore thinking:  

I was thinking the guy is some kind of shady upstanding business  man. Maybe is a money guy for multiple investments, maybe a tie to a brothel?  

He prob first meets Berri, as him being some kind of DoorDash-like  driver who he catches having some trouble. Maybe he's gotten food from Berri a couple times, or just sees them delivering food to the same building complex he's in. He def keeps an  eye on Beri since he'd think Berri is cute.

One day, he overhears that there was a complication and Berri is fired  from that job, or is just sick of it. Seeing an opportunity, he offers Berri a job as an assistant or something, they happily accept.  

I picture the big guy to wanna be a dom, but has a bit of a fragile ego.  He's soft spoken and has a bit of a bite, but is prob just intimidating  as a biz tactic over anything.  
Berri would take more of a 'sub' role in the pair, but their energetic  smug perkiness can unintentionally take charge in many situations. Berri would flatter and compliment the other guy a lot, while also kinda  overshadowing them a lot too lol.



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