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     Well, as I've said over the last 2 weeks or so I've been needing to take it easy with my wrist and arm so I have not been drawing as much, since pen strokes tended to wear out my arm fast.

    But, mouse and keyboard use was not as bad (though I still have been taking it slow) so to stay productive I've been pouring a ton of work into Bito's Box Bash! I'm really aiming to get a new build release within the next couple days!

    So much has been added and polished up since the last build. The BoxImp HQ hubworld has been built out closer to my vision for it, and I'm working on giving most of the main imps in it a lot more to say then the old placeholder dialogue. A big goal with this next build is to give all of the imp characters I've been making a proper introduction, and you can definitely get 'well acquainted' with quite a few of them lol. There are also new gameplay mechanics and a lot of polish from the last build.

    My to-do list is shrinking and is mostly finishing adding in conversation scripts for a list of characters, and some small bug fixes and level tweaks. It should not be long until the next build is released, and I'm really excited to show off what I've been working on!



Kenny H

Sorry your wrist has been in pain for the past while, at least you've been able to be productive on your game I'm glad you've been able to put more time into it, hope your able to recover soon and you continue to take it easy 🖤