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A new addition to the game, water!
   While it's not fully finished yet, it works well enough for now. The water ripples and flows, things thrown into it floats to the top. It could still use some splash FX or have some underwater particles or bubbles, but cosmetic stuff can be added later.

Bito's water physics are something I'm still working out.
   They currently work like in SMB, where you sink to the bottom and jump to swim up. While I like diving to the bottom for deep sea exploration, I was thinking instead making it so Bito floats and has to ether carry something heavy to sink to the bottom or use a powerup to make him heavier.

   I was planning on letting Bito hold crystals or something that augment his skillset. Like one to expand on his hovering and floating abilities, or one that can let him throw energy balls and move faster. A heavier one that let's him groundpound and sink in water could be good too.


Bito's Box Bash - Water Works - Dev Update

Some video showing off the newly implimented water! Still quite a bit of work to do with visual elements, and such but it functions more or less as you'd expect water too


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