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Here are some sketches I was working on a few days ago. I've been working on fleshing out the main ImpHQ cast.

Before I get into who these characters are, let me explain some stuff with the game.
The game is going to have settings so you can pick what kind of NPCs you'd like to meet, so they line up with your preferences.  

There are going to be 3 classes of characters.
Constant - Every playthough will have these characters be the same.
[Example - Bossman, Ruben and Renae]

Variant - Visually these characters will vary, but their personality or role in the story will be mostly consistent, with some specifics changed to make them more unique.
Usually for characters who have a large roll in the story, but change based on player NPC preferences.
[Example - Batu]

Swap Out - A role in the story that can be filled by multiple different characters. The role may be something like 'shop clerk' and it might be filled by a sassy shortstack, or a more bashful buff man. Who gets picked to fill the role will be based on player NPC preferences.

Now on to the characters:
     The first one is Bossmann's Secretary. They are the Boss' right hand man, despite how often they love to join in on Bito's teasing and flirting with Bossmann.

      The second one is more of an incidental character. They are the first imp Bito will talk to in the game, and give the player a Chance Challenge tutorial. They are a 'Variant' type, and you can see the 2 designs for them (The masculine one is more complete). There are also some portrait sketches there. Their conversation is partially implemented in the game, they just need a post-talk phase, and the graphics to be done.

Is there any kinds of characters you want to see more of?




I must say I really like that variant type imps in the second pic, especially masculine version :D