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       I've spent the last day or two making some good progress on improving the code and adding some smaller touches. Nothing flashy, but it's an important foundation for the content to come. The main things added are a new HUD, and a lot of added functionality to the visual novel engine.

      I'm still debating where the best placement for the HUD is, but it seems fine there. You have 6 HP by default, but there are ways to temporarily get that up to 9. You also have a coin counter, and a Mojo counter.

      I'm still working out how exactly Mojo is used, but the basics is it's Bito's action points. Attempting to do actions in the VN segments like flirting or deception will cost mojo. I was thinking something like doing very well in a Chance Challenge could restore some points. Every successful intimate scenes levels up your max Mojo.
I'll probably implement Mojo properly after some more VN segments are created.

      Improvements to the VN engine include smoother transitions between the art, added symbols I can use in the text, a three way convo template with Bito in the middle, some things to make writing dialogue trees easier, signs now use the non-pixel font, and more. I have a few loose ends to tie up, but it's almost done enough for now.

    I have a list of things I need to finish up before I can dive deep into building out the VN segments you all voted on, but that should only be another two or three days of work.

You can play the last posted build here:
My additions are not drastic enough to justify a new build just yet lol.



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