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First, There is about 1 day left to vote in this months polls, so be sure you get your vote in.

So for a general status report:
I had some health issues getting in the way of things, mostly right arm fatigue and lower back strain. Rest, stretches, and exercise has gone a long way to getting myself working again though but I'm trying to not push it.  I've been keeping on a good pace lately.

- I've mostly been focusing on getting the past Patreon Choice Poll winners up to date. July's 'Daisy and Luigi' one is sketched out and should be done within a day or so.  
There is gonna be the original pegging idea, and an edit that is just Daisy solo.

- For at least October and December I was planning on making the monthly polls themed around the season. So for my Big Box supporters, get your spooky ideas together!
I'll post more info when I open submissions October 1st.

- My first comic has a outline typed up and mostly just needs dialogue worked out, and I should start making thumbnail sketches for the pages soon too.   

- I've still got some Big Box Sketches and Commissions to get done before I can take more on, but that list is shrinking.  

- And with all that I'm trying to make more time for personal art too. I wanna get more done with my OCs and there are some characters I have not drawn in a while I was sketching around with.   
For people not in the Discord server,
I tend to post more doodles and constant updates to things in there, where posts here on Patreon I try to have at least a clean base sketch done.
Though in the next few days I'm gonna scrub through and make 'Catch up' archive posts of things that have not left the server yet. I'm gonna try to keep that a regular thing.

If you have your Discord linked to your Patreon account, you should of been automatically added to the server, but if you want in and are having trouble DM me and I'll sort it out.  

I'm active there everyday and it's a chill place, and also share non-NSFW projects I'm working on, such as music or game dev stuff.

Thanks for all your continued support, especially with all the stuff going on now this has all been some much needed stability for me.
- BiteBox64


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