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Sup, here are some things I should cover or would like your input on:

One poll is at a 3 way tie right now. How do you all think I should remedy this if it ends like that? Should I just choose the winner? Should I cast a re-vote for the winners? Should I do all the winners as color sketches, instead of just one being clean and shaded? Even if this one sorts itself out, it's bound to happen again in the future.

A change, or clarification, to the ' Spontaneous Character Suggestions' perk, When I make a post asking for suggestions you can suggest a pairing of characters. Just getting a single character can be limiting with posing unless I know the source well. I was also considering adding you can also suggest straight or gay depictions, or if they are a top or bottom.

For making the Discord server, I lowered it from 20 supporters to 10. I'm still considering if I should just make one now, but I feel like 7 people is still a bit small for a server, but I could also add a few artist friends too.

This should not effect any existing Patreons, but I set it to charge upfront for new supporters. I had someone pledge $3, vote in one of the polls, and then delete their pledge, so going forward his seems like it should make things easier. It also gives the added bonus that I can do the Quick Draw rewards earlier instead of waiting a month for their pledge to clear.

Speaking of the quick draws, I will be reaching out to the Big Box supporters soon for them, most likely though Discord, unless you don't have your account listed, then Patreon mail.

And last up, I'm still wondering how I should assemble the ZIP archive of existing work. Is anyone really clamoring for this one? I have most of my existing artwork saved in a folder, though it will take some time to sort out. I may sort it all into a 'Pre-Patreon' pack, and then release a new pack at the end of every month.

Thanks for your support! More coming very soon!.



For the tie, I think it would be best select a winner via random number generator, that way any of the three have an equal chance of winning. For the SCS, it was pretty hard remembering that pairings were fair game, so a little clarification would help lol. And being able to add in orientation and power roles would be nice, but might also conflict will poll and what differentiating the two, especially if it becomes too descriptive. 10 people sounds like a fair amount for a server, especially since it’d be easier to converse with everyone there. And for the zip file, what’s your idea for what to include in it? Would it be more tier related, or more of a monthly update style thing?


Yeah, a number generator might be good, at least for now. And with SCS, I never said you could not do pairings, though it was not explicit stated ether. I just kinda thought while drawing requests 'man it would be nice to have a pairing' when deciding on poses. The Zip files are a perk of the $7 tier, and were was going to just be a compilation of all the art of the month, in the source PNG quality. To be honest, I mostly included it as a perk as I saw a lot of other Patreons had that, lol.


Ooh, I see what you mean with the Zip files. Yeah, it would be fantastic to kinda get all the art you made one month in one package!