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So I was trying to figure out how exactly I am gonna handle the 2 monthly Patreon-voted polls.
There is gonna be a female focused one and a male focused one, just since I draw both, and Big Box Patreons were gonna give the suggestions.

But I was thinking how to separate it from the Spontaneous Character Suggestions,
So in addition to the solo character or pair of character choice, do you think giving a pose or some kind of small description to go off of would be good?

Also I was planning to only allow 1 submission per Patreon per month for both polls, but since there is only 5 of you this month, I'll allow submissions for both. Consider it a early adopter perk lol.

Also Spontaneous Character Suggestions should probably have a shorter name lmao.



Yeah, adding some sort of a description sounds like a great way to separate the two! As for a shorter name for the SCS’s, you’re on your own there.😅 Hmm, Suggestion Box 64?