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As Keisuke has exited art hiatus hell, I was able to go back to doing patron-voted focus polls for each release, with the latest one just finishing.

Yeah, Britney won.

Although by not quite as much with the raw number poll.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting, to be honest. I had a strong suspicion Britney would win (as she did), but I kind of assumed Mom still had a shot given the patron acclaim for her route, but instead, she polled worse with weighted results compared to the raw results.

Anyways, let's go into what Britney's route will be getting the next update:

The SFW variants and NSFW variants of the first real planned yuri CG/HCG outline this very thoroughly through the captions, so I'll not give more of a summary than Britney leverages knowing Zach likes gender bender as a kink for an erotic role play of their own that gets a bit too real with blurred lines between the roles and the people.
There will also be a prelude scene of Zach demoing his chest binder cooling system at dinner, only for the ice water in the cooling reservoir to be too cold and for a jostled bump to loosed one of the caps on the cooling bladders, causing Zach's shirt to form a wet spot akin to a lactation leak that causes them to finish eating early to take care of that and preparing for how Zoey is almost certainly getting periods. Britney finds the gender bender doujins as she opens Zach's bedside drawer to store the tampons and pads, which is where the sex scene begins.
Because I have to spend likely a week polishing the art and it will be a three (two)-week development period, I might not get to the prelude scene in this release without going into overtime, which I am really starting to hate doing. But if you all are okay with that and still want to vote for this option anyways, that's fine.

Even though I am going back to art editing hell with Clip Studio Paint (I am sort of getting fatigued from just how long it takes me to polish up art), that means we're going to have a scene that I am personally really looking forwards to.

Look, I don't know what's going on with my gender identity, but either way I am gay for stuff like this.


brandi lane

When will we see the rich route start


I want to write a Friday Update about it, but he's proving exceedingly difficult to find a sprite artist for.