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Drawn by Myumi, this is the reference sheet for the princess costume Zoey has the  chance of wearing in Britney's route for the fall semester play, a  musical themed around the French Revolution (similar to Hamilton). Britney will play the second lead of the opposing gender, meaning that one is the prince and one is the princess.

The choice of who wears what is a major route choice that will determine who takes the more dominant role in the relationship (both Zach and Britney are bottoms, but they can't just meet in the middle and lay on their sides).

It's inspired heavily by Boosette/Princess King Boo, the genderswapped version of a Luigi's Mansion antagonist similar to Bowsette, the genderswapped version of Bowser from Super Mario:

Source: yadapot on pixiv

Source: kakage on pixiv 

As for why this musical is a parody of Hamilton and why I dislike that musical:

It's historically inaccurate and glosses over a lot of the issues of the founding fathers to elevate them to near demigods, it ultimately is neoliberal platitudinal circlejerking on the level of West Wing, the race-reverse casting of slaveowners with a hip-hop soundtrack is incredibly tone-deaf (especially when Alexander Hamilton's day job was running a slave auction house), it's a decent bit too long, and Hamilton did some very unsympathetic things the audience is asked to sympathize with.
The worst however is how much I've heard it. My parents are neoliberal boomers who play it roughly twice a week in its entirety, and the play it so loudly that I hear it through the floorboards. This has been going on for 5 years (since we saw it in New York City for my mom's birthday in 2017) and I am not exaggerating when I've unwillingly heard the soundtrack (or a slightly muffled version of it) several hundred times.
This is coming from someone who quite enjoyed seeing it the first time and is very leftist, but I now genuinely loathe the musical, the creator, and basically most musicals. I get a slight panic when I hear the first song through the floor.
The tone of the parody play within re:Dreamer is going to be very snarky. Zach doesn't want to be there but got forced into the play once people figured out he can sing with his new body (he was tone deaf before), Britney is creepily enthusiastic about the whole thing and Zach can't fathom why she enjoys it, the characters are outlandish, there are shallow platitudes everywhere, things are so historically inaccurate that Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI are now a princess and prince who survive the French Revolution to lead a democratic monarchy, and the play is a massive commercial success for the strapped-for-cash theater department and that makes Zach question popular media.

If you are curious, Britney's prince costume is planned as this:

Source: Ryu Jiao on pixiv 

Zach's prince dress is planned as this:

Source: genyaky on Twitter 

And Britney's princess costume will mostly be based on Bowsette:

Source: kakage on pixiv

Outside of toning down the blue hue of the dress slightly and adding garters and leggings, the outfit is what I would consider as complete.



Skippy Hugo

yeah. i thought that outfit looked familiar.