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Sorry for the delay with this release. Coincidentally enough to the subject matter of this release, my mom had outpatient shoulder surgery on Tuesday and I've been spending far, far more of my day at her beck and call than I had anticipated, which led to the swift development speed in the first week of the update cycle that I touted in Friday Update #32 slowing to a crawl. There are some additional things that slowed development, like arguing with trolls on F95zone attempting to put out terrible machine translations of this game out after expressing that I prefer if people did not do that and having severe hand issues from my Parkinson's meds not working as well on my new steroids I need to get over my viral asthma I've had for 8 months now, but I thankfully did enough early on that this release is still quite substantial.

re:Dreamer (0.10.9) makes the blursed mom route a real thing... sort of.


  • The cursed mom route sees the light of day. A Sustainer patron request from Sandra, this idle daydream of Zach's at the friend choice menu sees Zach's imagination run wild for 20 minutes as he pictures what it'd be like if he told his mom about re:Dreamer and asked her for help with it (not in an incestual way). Upon Zach's mom getting actual sprites, and Sandra's continued pledge, this will be expanded into a fully canon hour-long route with a real ending instead of this idle daydream that wraps back into the major route selections. There's a lot of variation with this content, particularly depending on your therapy answer and Trans stat, so give it a replay with extreme opposite settings if you want to see a good example of how this game tries to cater to a wide variety of gender bender fans.
  • The C.H.E.A.T.S. values now show in small numbers below their letter on the menu screen.
  • LOTS of typo fixes. We actually hired an editor to go over the script.
  • The "Ice Queen" versions of Zach, Zoey, and his mom (the ones where they use this font for their spoken text) had the line spacing and adjusted to better match the line spacing of the default font, Gilroy Regular.
  • You can now skip the arcade games if you've played them once since I know they're so frustrating.
  • As long as a Patron password has been entered, you can now get the maximum bPoints even if you have higher Awkwardness as the power of money allows Zach to realize that Britney isn't bisexual but a lesbian.
  • The game now has strict anti-tamper measures in place to prevent machine translations of it from functioning. This F95zone post amply explains how they are terrible and why I think they should not be used by anyone, but if the game doesn't launch for you now, let me know ASAP.

re:Dreamer (0.10.10) drops on Friday, August 12th, and gets back to the Britney content I was planning on getting to in this release before my mom and Zach's mom took up all my time.




do you have anyone else working on this or just you?


I, CaptainCaption, am almost entirely the sole dev and handle: >The writing, although given how Ren'Py works with interwoven text, graphics, and audio, it's more accurate to say that this part is more akin to working in film in scriptwriting and directing. >The bulk of the coding (minus when Espeon rescues my incompetent ass from the horrible cargo cult code I've made). >Designing and making all of the GUI assets (minus what I can get from icon packs). >Creating design documents, some for the story, but mostly for artists' use. >(Largely) finding the artists to commission to make the art those design documents detail. >Managing the vast majority of the communication with those commissioned artists. >Editing the art we've receive for stylistic consistency and functionality within the Ren'Py game engine. >Community management on Patreon, social media, forum posting, and Discord, which includes distributing the game every release.