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Does the Rolling Stone's "Paint It Black" count as the first emo rock song? Aftermath released a full month before the Beach Boy's Pet Sounds, and that's considered to be the first emo rock album.

Hey everyone, CaptainCaption here with another Friday Update.

On April 6th, I published the patron-exclusive poll "What Will Be the First Upcoming Redone CG/HCG(s) From TiltSHIFT?" which wrapped up last night.

TiltSHIFT finally finished all of the CGs for the Zach to Zoey transformation sequence last night, and he has said he's able to take on further commissions for this game, and this poll was to determine the priority in which we redo the art for the placeholder CGs.

I'll go into what these options are in a bit, but here are the weighted poll results:

As you can see, replacing the Keisuke Day 1 dorm sex scenes with new art and new options for more consent won in a landslide. This brings a bit of an issue, as TiltSHIFT's slower pace means we have to get him to do related scenes back-to-back or else he'll "drift" with his art style during a gap period (a problem I am currently having to overcome with his art for the finished transformation sequence); therefore, the Day 1 Mirror Voyeurism and Masturbation will be the second priority of the scenes to replace, even though it came in third.

So let's go into what the plan is for replacing that and the rest of the placeholder CGs.

As a word of warning, many of the hyperlinks below post will open up NSFW images.

1st Place: The Keisuke Day 1 Sex Scenes (With New Consenting Options)

Current Version

Source: 呪いで女体化した眼鏡でノッポな俺が生意気後輩とHすることになった事の顛末

One of the worst complaints I have gotten about re:Dreamer is the tone of dubious consent and coercion of the first Keisuke sex scene. There are story reasons for it (one of them being a major spoiler I will not elaborate on), but the crux is that Zach is being punished for lying to Keisuke twice about what he was doing when he returned to his dorm room. More consenting options were always planned (and even a way to avoid the sex), but I was writing to the constraints of the art.

The harshest version of the scene (lying to Keisuke twice) will remain intact, but two new options based on how honest Zach was with him will be added.

1.1: Full Honesty

Reference Image

Source: 俺が幼馴染の恋人♀になるなんて絶対ありえない (an unofficial English version exists if you know where to look)

If Zach is completely honest with Keisuke, he'll explain how much of a nervous wreck he's been all day and how things got out of hand when he was looking at himself in the mirror before nearly breaking down into sobs of shame and embarrassment.

"Do you know what it's like living as a walking wet dream?! Every time I look down at myself and see that I have tits, I turn myself on! And the worst part is that I don't have any way to deal with these feelings! Hell, I couldn't even finish before you walked in on me, because unlike you, I have no idea how to please a woman!"

Keisuke is floored by Zach's admission, but a thought appears in Keisuke's meathead brain: I can help my friend.

Keisuke offers to teach Zach a thing or two about how a woman's body works, and Zach is so desperate for the release he was so close to reaching that he doesn't have enough will to tell himself that this could be a bad idea.

At Keisuke's instructions, Zach strips down and looks at his body as Keisuke comfortingly shows him the ropes to it. Keisuke's intentions are to show Zach what he needs to do to get himself off in the future, but he's a bit too forceful with his instructions because Zach is so attractive that he momentarily forgets to restrain himself with his hands-on lesson, and he makes Zach cum.

Zach is mortified, but he's also relieved that the debilitating arousal fogging over his brain has lifted. Feeling a little too good, Zach quickly pulls himself away from his friend, and he then insists that in the future, he'll be able to handle things on his own without Keisuke's help. Despite his stubborn "I'll take care of it myself!" attitude, an unformed idea has already been planted in Zach's mind: re:Dreamer is a game where I am going to need to have a lot of sex to change myself back, and Keisuke sure is good at it…

1.2: Half Honesty

Reference Image

Source: 俺が幼馴染の恋人♀になるなんて絶対ありえない

If Zach declines to bring up what he was doing when Keisuke returned to his dorm room, Keisuke will eventually piece together what Zach was doing based on how he's been acting and the most spot on the floor in front of his mirror.

When confronted, Zach can admit that he was masturbating when his friend was away. This will make Keisuke upset, but not furious like if Zach had lied to him instead.

As a blend of the early full admission and full denial scenes, Keisuke will somewhat invasively prod Zach about what it felt like as a woman to play with himself, and not being able to lie further, Zach will explain how nice it feels. The colorful details of what it feels like start to turn them both on, and when Zach tries to explain that he doesn't want to talk about it anymore because of what the conversation is doing to him, Keisuke offers (in a more up-front way than if Zach had fully explained what was happening earlier) to help him.

Zach doesn't think this is a very good idea, but he knows he's in hot water with Keisuke and sees this as the easiest way to bury the issue, so he agrees, but only if Keisuke promises not to turn it into sex. At Keisuke's instructions, Zach strips and sits on his lap in a position reminiscent of reverse cowgirl, and Keisuke starts roughly fondling his friend's voluptuous body.

Zach's alluring womanly form and his adorably feminine response to erotic stimuli soon make Keisuke lose control, and he cuts short his lesson in how to make a woman feel good. He literally has Zach wrapped around his fingers, and he bounces his friend up and down on his index and middle fingers until Zach comes all over his hand and lap.

Having essentially been fucked, Zach is left panting and gasping. As he recovers, a stray thought starts to form in his mind: That felt incredible, and Keisuke was only using his hands. I wonder what full sex with him would feel like?

2nd Place: The Keisuke Day 1 Dorm Room Mirror Voyeurism and Masturbation

Current Versions:

Source: 呪いで女体化した眼鏡でノッポな俺が生意気後輩とHすることになった事の顛末

After confirming his identity to Keisuke, Zach is left alone in Keisuke's dorm room as he leaves for a food run. Alone and with a phone that has run out of power, Zach's mind starts to wander, and so do his eyes. For the first time, he takes an exploratory look at his new form, but his curiosity and wonder soon turns into arousal and desire. He tries to talk himself out of his lust, but he only makes things worse for himself to the point where he feels like he is going to explode if he doesn't let off some steam.

The new scene will be exactly the same as the old one, but with new art. I think the writing here is rock-solid and doesn't need to be changed, as it's a great encapsulation of how Zach's inner thought process works.

3rd Place: The First Masturbation Scene in Zach's Dorm Room

Current Version

Source: 月の彼方で逢いましょう

(Remember when Zoey used to have purple hair? Good times...)

Early in the game's story, Ai will try to coax her new player into taking his new body for a test drive. Zach will either succumb to the temptation or hold out until Ai coerces or forces him into masturbating, but his awkwardness with his female anatomy and some comments muttered to himself has leads Ai to deduce that her player is a complete virgin headcase.

With new art, the scene will almost exactly be the same, but Zach will briefly use his phone's frontal camera to explore his new vagina, giving Ai a perfect opportunity to be nearby and to record the virginal masturbation scene.

4th Place: The Keisuke Shopping Mall Changing Room and Late-Night Bus Stop Bench Sex

Current Versions:

Source: 残念な姉との幸福論(ラブコメディー)

This was a tie with The Dream Sex Scenes With Haze, but as Keisuke's route takes higher priority with writing than the Alone route, it has earlier priority.

On the Day 2 mall event in Keisuke's route, Zach is abducted by an overzealous fashion attendant who forces him to try on several outfits. After trying on a few, Keisuke manages to bust his friend out of the changing room, but as they make a break for the exit of the store, they set off the security sensors. Thinking quickly, Keisuke buys Zach the outfit he is wearing, as well as the other outfits the attendant had prepared that he grabbed on their flight.

The total cost of everything approached $1,000, but as the day turns into an evening and then a night, Keisuke buys Zach a few more things as they shop for the essentials he will need now that he has a woman's body.

By the time the two are finished shopping, they make it to the bus stop back to campus a few minutes after the last bus had departed. Feeling obligated to repay his friend after he spent so much on him, Zach lets himself be coaxed into giving Keisuke a handjob on an out-of-they-way bus stop bench.

Zach had intended to only give Keisuke a handjob (rather than the quickie Keisuke had suggested), but as his lust grows, it mixes with his sense of guilt and obligation. With a pant, he asks if Keisuke wants to have sex.

The only adjustment to the art of this set would be a visible condom on Keisuke in the reverse cowgirl position part. Zach and Keisuke had just had a pregnancy scare the previous evening, so it'd feel weird not to have them use a condom here.

5th Place: The Dream Sex Scenes With Haze

Current Versions:

Ai suggests to Zach that given his special circumstances (and sexual ineptitude), he might be better off using an infrequently-used feature in re:Dreamer to add an accomplice who he can confide the existence of the game.

As Zach hesitates on the choice, he coughs from stress, and Ai suggests he gets a drink (of water). Thinking she meant a drink of liquor, Zach goes into his curio drawer from his sabbatical year of travel and spiritual finding and pulls out a bottle of expensive báijiǔ he got from a Chinese triad member abroad in a series of questionable, unexpected events.

A drunken escapade of hard liquor hitting a lightweight woman with an empty stomach later (Did I mention that the liquor had dissolved LSD in it? Some real-life criminal enterprises have dissolved drugs into top-shelf liquor to smuggle them before, and LSD and alcohol can cause some wild trips when mixed.) Zach finds himself in a drunken dream where he is confronted with the personification of his feminine side that he's been refusing to acknowledge all his life.

Because of his recent unwitting sex change, their roles are reversing, and to fix it, he has to have sex with this part of himself in this dream. Depending on C.H.E.A.T.S. stats, Zach can either do the bare minimum required to get this over with, or he can indulge in the feminine personality he's been temporarily imbued with and offer a blowjob before having gentler sex.

The scene will largely stay intact as-is, but the positions in the sex portion is probably going to be different, and Zach will be wearing his dream outfit (which depending on C.H.E.A.T.S. stats will either be a women's turtleneck with a skirt or with jeans).

0.10.4 drops on the 29th, and it'll fully feature the final versions of the Zach to Zoey transformation sequence and some new writing for Zach where Keisuke forces him to get some exercise to keep his womanly figure, but for tonight, I'll be working to get TiltSHIFT design documents for the Keisuke sex scenes as soon as possible.

Until next time!


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