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tfw the Bogdanoff twins are both dead from COVID-19 and nobody can give the quick rundown on them anymore ;_;

This is going to be a really quick update that isn't a full Friday Update because I am running on 2 hours of sleep and desperately need to get to bed, but the minigames for the Britney date are coming along slowly, and I wanted to check in showing that they are in fact still being worked on (I'm crunching 12+ hour days at my computer working on them).

Dance Uprising has received the most technical work so far since the last update I posted. You can check out a demo video attached to this post, but keep in mind that I am very bad at rhythm games, the note clusters are a bit too condensed at times and the beatmap needs to be edited, and certain features, like Britney dancing on her side automatically or touchscreen controls, are still being worked on.

Personally, I think this thing is looking pretty slick, but the entire screen is so stereotypically Russian that I’m genuinely worried it might offend someone, even though it's all in good fun and I've been consoled that this sort of super-stereotypical portrayal of their culture is something that Russians kind of like (yes, the irony that this is a stereotype is not lost on me).

Fun fact: the higher your Awkwardness value, the more Cyrillic (the Slavic alphabet that languages like Russian use) will be on screen; also, I asked a Russian speedrunner friend for advice on the text, so it should be accurate.

Until next time!


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