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CaptainCaption here. I still haven't fully gotten over the illness I mentioned in Friday Update #22... or maybe I have? My coughing went away for a few days and got replaced with strong sinus pressure and pain on my upper left jaw (a symptom that's been typical of my past sinus infections), but then my coughing returned with a vengeance. I'm starting to think I just have sinus pressure not related to any infection, but then that doesn't make sense with the coughing, now does it?

Anyways, I'm going to a doctor sometime next week because WebMD isn't telling me anything specific enough and I likely need antibiotics, but getting appointments is hard when you have bottom of the barrel health insurance and COVID-19 case are starting to increase with the holiday season). In the meantime, I'm incrementing the Backer and Public releases (0.9.2 and 0.9.1 respectively). Work has been done on 0.9.3 but it isn't ready for release yet. Please be patient for a few days as I recover and work on it more.


Feliks Tepes

Take care of yourself man. I'm paying because I love the product and want to support you. If you need to take some time for your health I won't complain, and I assume many others also wont.